What is your Emotional Eating Challenge?
Overcome What Weighs you Down
Many Christians try to lose excess weight with diets. Unfortunately, the pounds they lose often come back. Why? Because diets try to address the problem from the outside in. But permanent weight loss is an inside-out job!
Weight loss is Spiritual and emotional warfare. A diet can never overcome internal issues that cause us to become inconsistent and in bondage to self-sabotage. But we can overcome with God's help!
Learn how to overcome emotional eating and your weight loss barriers with our online courses and Christian support community inside the Take Back Your Temple program.
Click here to apply for mentorship with the Take Back Your Temple Christian weight loss program.

I want to thank you for your Take Back Your Temple membership. It has turned my attitude around. No longer am I fighting myself and my addiction to food. I have asked God to take back his temple and rid me of my bad eating habits. This is not a gimmick; it is founded in respecting our bodies as God's temple.
- Diana W.
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Online Courses & Books
End Binge Eating
You can end the anguish of binge eating! With The How to Stop Binge Eating online course on Udemy.com, learn how to manage your emotions and gain a healthy relationship with food.
Supernatural Strength
The Weight Loss Prayers book gives you 30 road-tested success prayers to inspire you to keep going if your strength starts to fade.
Inspired for Weight Loss
Losing focus with your weight loss program? With The Weight Loss Scriptures book gain inspiration to become a weight loss success story.