1. News and Features

        Blue square with text: We can do better. We can be better. We must do better and be better, together. Green, purple, orange, and red lines outline the blue square.
        These last few weeks have been hard for our country and likely for you.These weeks may have been filled with pain and anguish, watching yet another Black person lose their life.These weeks may have been filled with fear and anxiety about you or your family’s safety.These weeks may have filled with long hot days engaging in protests against police brutality.These weeks may have been filled with new awareness, learning how to take action and transition from being not racist to anti-racist. ...Read more
        In March 2020, COVID-19 quickly shut down much of the United States, forcing schools to send staff and students home and begin a new task for most: distance learning. For college students with intellectual disability, this sudden shift posed unique challenges—and for the staff who support them, as well. Staff at Think College quickly realized it could be helpful to give the college program staff a forum to share information, discuss critical topics, and just support one another, so we started hosting weekly meetings. ...Read more
        Attention potential applicants for the 2020 TPSID application: The Office of Postsecondary Education hosted a technical assistance webinar to review the application materials and address some frequently asked questions with applicants on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.  The PowerPoint that was reviewed during this meeting is below.FY 2020 Technical Assistance Workshop Slide Presentation PowerPoint (725K) ...Read more
        US Department of Education logo
        The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education, Higher Education Programs, is currently recruiting peer reviewers to evaluate applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2020 Model Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) program. ...Read more


        Annual Report: TPSID Model Demonstration Projects

        Report cover
        The report provides program- and student-level data reported by TPSIDs during the 2018-2019 academic year.

        Positive Outcomes for Students with ID Attending College: Why Medicaid Waivers Should Provide Support.

        positive outcomes report thumbnail
        This publication explains how the HCBS waiver can be used for PSE and outlines the benefits.

        Tips for IEP Teams to Help Students and Families Prepare for Inclusive Postsecondary Education

        Tips for IEP Teams cover thumbnail
        Featuring a checklist and related resources, this is a valuable tool for families and educators at IEP team meetings.

        College Search: Find the college that's right for you!

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        What's Happening in Your State

        Click your state on the map to learn about activities near you related to postsecondary education for students with intellectual disability.

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